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Wednesday, September 21, 2022

URL structure in SEO

URLs are the foundation of every website, and they're a critical part of your SEO strategy. They help search engines understand the structure of your site, which in turn helps them better deliver results to users. But that's not all—URLs can also impact user experience, usability, and site design. A well-structured URL will help visitors navigate your site more easily while increasing its overall user friendliness.

Why URL structure matters in SEO

Your URL structure is important for SEO, brand building and user experience.
Here's why:
  • Search engines use URLs to rank your website in search results pages. Each page on your website is given a unique URL that tells Google (and other search engines) exactly what page you're talking about so they can crawl it and index it properly. This helps make sure that users end up on the right page when they click on search result links in SERPs, so they don't get frustrated with irrelevant results or links leading them nowhere.

  • Humans are drawn to clickable words in titles more than any other element of content because it makes them feel like they're getting straight answers from an authority figure (in this case—you). Without an enticing title that makes users

    want more information about what you're offering, they won't bother clicking through at all!

How should URLs be structured?

Longer URLs are better for SEO than shorter ones. They allow you to include more relevant keywords, which helps search engines understand what your page is about and rank it accordingly.

Short, non-descriptive URLs can be hard to remember and copy-and-paste. They also make it harder for users to bookmark pages on their phone or email them to others without having the full URL in their clipboard.

URLs with a relevant URL structure are easier for visitors to find the content they're looking for on your site—especially when they're searching through Google's SERPs (search engine results pages). In contrast, URLs that contain no keywords or only generic words like "click here" aren't as helpful because they don't provide any context around what the page contains (or doesn't).

A readable URL structure is another way of ensuring that searchers can quickly find what they're looking for: if they see the word "blog" at the end of an address, then they'll know right away that this is a post about blogging rather than something else entirely unrelated!

URL structure and usability

The following are some of the most important considerations when you're building a URL structure.

  • The URL should be easy to read and understand. This means it should not include unnecessary words, phrases or numbers.

  • The URL should be easy to type. This means that it should not include symbols and special characters (like &, %, !) unless absolutely necessary (e.g., in URLs with query parameters).

  • The URL should be easy to remember so visitors can easily recall where they've been on your website when they come back again later without having to refer to the page title or screenshot on their smartphone’s browser history tab.*

  • The URL should also make sense from a user perspective by describing what happens when you enter each part of the address into your browser's address bar.* One way this can happen is through creative use of keywords within domain names—for example, if someone types "blog" into Google's search bar but doesn't know exactly which site might have relevant content for their query, having a domain name like would show up higher than http://www-britain-england-london-englandLondonEngland2007HampsteadRoadStJohnsWoodLondonNW8 7JUUnitedKingdomEnglandUKEuropeEurope..

URL structure example

One of the best ways to understand how to structure your URL is to look at an example. Consider the following URL:


The words "blog" and "seo" are separated by hyphens (the - character). This means that Google will treat these two words as separate entities and take them into account when ranking your site.

Create URLs that are user-friendly

  • Use a URL shortener to make your URLs shorter and easier to read.

  • Use a URL redirector to automatically send visitors to the appropriate page depending on the type of device they are using (e.g., desktop or mobile).

  • Use a URL parser so that it will return different results based on the user's search queries, like sending them directly to the product pages when they search "blue dress" instead of sending them straight to your homepage where it gives all sorts of information about your company in general terms that may not be relevant for someone looking specifically for blue dresses, or perhaps even send them straight back out if there are no products available yet!

  • Build an internal linking structure


In conclusion, we hope that this article has given you some insight into why URL structure is so important in SEO and how to create URLs that are user-friendly.

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