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Sunday, September 11, 2022

SEO: Setting up Google Search Console

The Google Search Console is a tool that helps you manage your site’s visibility in search results. We use the tool to help optimize our content for search, but it also has other important features: an analytics dashboard, a site review tool and more. In this post we'll walk through how to add your website to Search Console using different methods so you can get started analyzing your traffic data!

Google Search Console
                                            Image is copyright from motivation.arica

Option 1: Verifying with your DNS provider

If you're one of the lucky people who have access to your DNS provider's account, you can verify ownership of your site by using their web interface. Here's how:

  • Log in to your DNS provider's web portal (e.g., [1] for Not-A-Fancy Hosting).
  • Click on "Account Settings" under the "My Account" dropdown menu and then select “Verify Ownership” from there (it'll be under “Manage Domains” if it isn't already).
  • Follow their instructions for setting up a test domain or subdomain so Google can see it exists; this step may vary depending on which DNS provider you use, but they should all be available online somewhere if they're not accessible directly through their own accounts management tools.

Option 2: Verifying with HTML file upload

If you're an experienced Webmaster, you may want to try this method first. To do so:

  • Go to the Google Search Console website and click on "Verify this website."
  • Click on "Upload" and choose the HTML file from your computer.

Option 3: Verifying with HTML tag

You can also verify that your site is being tracked by adding a meta tag to the home page of your website. This will tell Google that you own and control it, which is essential for tracking purposes.

To add this meta tag, go to, click on "Search tools & settings," then select "Manage website settings." Select "Site information" from the menu and click on "Add or remove meta tags."

Next, click Add new HTML element button at bottom of window (it should say Add new webmaster tag).

Option 4: Verifying with Google Analytics

  • Create a new property in Google Analytics
  • Verify your site in Search Console
  • Verify your site in Google Analytics

Option 5: Verifying with Google Tag Manager

If you're looking to verify your site with Google Tag Manager, it's a relatively simple process. First, add a snippet of code to your site that contains the following line:

window['GoogleAnalytics'] = window['googleanalytics'];

Then add this snippet as part of the element in index.html:

You can add your site to Search Console in several ways.

  • You can add your site to Search Console in several ways.
  • You can use one of the following methods to add your site to Search Console:
  • Option 1: Verifying with your DNS provider
  • Option 2: Verifying with Google Analytics (GA)


In this post, we’ve covered the different ways you can verify your site with Search Console. We hope you’ve found it helpful!

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