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Wednesday, September 7, 2022

SEO: Let's go Technical in SEO

If you’re reading this, it’s likely that you’re a technical person. That means that you know a lot about computers and the internet, which is an essential part of SEO. But what is Technical SEO? In this article, we'll explain how writing good content can help your website rank better in Google and what technical elements are important for improving your site's ranking potential on search engines like Bing or Yahoo.

Technical SEO
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How is Technical SEO different from Content and Off-Page SEO?

Technical SEO is a subset of search engine optimization and refers to the technical aspects of your website. It covers things like making sure your site can be crawled by search engines, that it loads quickly and that it’s secure.

In contrast, Content and Off-Page SEO refers to how you present information on your site. This includes things like writing good articles or creating engaging videos (which are critical components for any successful content strategy). You can think of this as “on-page” content creation while Technical SEO deals with what happens behind the scenes – how well do you optimize these pages for spiders?

What are the steps to complete a technical audit?

Before starting your technical audit, you should have defined the problem and set goals for yourself.

For example: “I want to improve my website’s ranking in Google search results by at least 5 places on page 1 within 3 months” or “I want to increase traffic from organic search by 30% over the next 6 months”.

The importance of setting clear expectations is that it helps you focus on what matters most in your business and how you can reach those goals. It also helps guide your efforts so that they align with what matters most for your business objectives.

Don't worry about what other people's goals are either! Even if they're not yours, just focus on getting closer to yours—and stay ambitious but realistic!

What is an XML sitemap and how do I create one?

A sitemap is a list of all the pages on your website and their URLs. It's important to have one because it helps search engines index your site, which means they can crawl it easily and provide users with better search results.

The most common way to create a sitemap is by uploading an XML file in Google’s indexing software called Google Webmaster Tools (GWT). This will let you create multiple versions of the same file at once, so if you need to update it later on down the road, then all you have do is re-upload the updated version instead of having to go through each individual page individually again like before!

What’s the difference between a page title and an H1?

It’s important to know the difference between a page title and an H1. A page title is a meta tag that can be added to your site, and it will appear under the title of every post on your site. On its own, this isn’t very effective for SEO purposes—you can only use 10 characters here (excluding special characters), which makes it difficult for search engines to understand what you mean when you write out “SEO 101: How to Optimize Your Blog Posts for Search Engines!” or whatever else might appear in your content. However, adding some text before each blog post could help readers find what they're looking for without having any trouble finding where they should click next!

The H1 tag is an HTML element designed specifically with SEO in mind: it tells search engines how important this particular section/post/page is compared with all others on their website."

What's a 301 redirect and when should I use one?

A 301 redirect is a mechanism that allows you to tell search engines, such as Google, to update the location of your website in their index. This is useful if you've moved from one domain or subdomain (e.g., to another (e.g., examplecompany2). You'll need to use this for any changes in your web address—for example, if you add an additional page or change the title of an existing page—to ensure that search engine crawlers can find all new content quickly and easily while they're still being created on new domains/subdomains.

When should I use a 301 redirect? There are two main reasons why this could be necessary:

  • If you want users who land on old websites but were directed there via previous links; these may no longer exist after moving away from those sites! So it's best practice not only because it helps them continue reading but also keeps them coming back when they find themselves needing help again later down the line

Technical SEO is important for many reasons!

Technical SEO is important for many reasons. The first reason is that it's important for user experience. When you're working on your site, and you find out that a page doesn't load properly or looks bad when viewed on mobile devices or tablets, then you need technical SEO to help fix these issues.

Second, technical SEO also improves the way search engines rank pages in their results pages. This means more people will see your website when they're searching online, which means more traffic and sales!

Thirdly and finally (but most importantly), this kind of work helps businesses grow by getting them found by potential customers who are searching for something similar but not quite as good - so if someone is looking around online trying different things until they find something good enough then our work would have helped us get there sooner rather than later!


Technical SEO is an important aspect of SEO, but it’s also a field that can be intimidating. There are so many different things to know and keep in mind when performing technical audits, but don’t let this scare you! We hope these tips will help make it easier for you—and all of your clients—to get the most out of your website’s technical optimization.

go back to SEO: Things to consider in On-Page SEO
go to the Next Article SEO: Metrics and KPI in SEO

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