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Thursday, September 22, 2022

Content in SEO

Content is one of the most important aspects of any SEO strategy. It's important because it lets Google find your site and know that you are an expert on your topic. If you don't have good quality content on your site, then Google doesn't know who to trust and will not rank your site as well in search results.

Writing good enough content that people want to read and share is one of the most important aspects of any SEO strategy.

Writing good enough content that people want to read and share is one of the most important aspects of any SEO strategy.

It’s not just about getting traffic, it’s about making sure that you get the right kind of traffic. If your site doesn't have good content, then it won't rank well and you will lose out on potential customers.

The goal should be to make great content that resonates with your readership, so they keep coming back again and again (and hopefully bring new readers along with them).

Writing compelling content for your readers lets them know you are an expert on your topic and can help build trust and authority in your products.

To get your content seen and shared, you need to make it compelling for your audience.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Write for your audience. Don’t write like an academic (unless you are writing for academics). Write in a clear and

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

URL structure in SEO

URLs are the foundation of every website, and they're a critical part of your SEO strategy. They help search engines understand the structure of your site, which in turn helps them better deliver results to users. But that's not all—URLs can also impact user experience, usability, and site design. A well-structured URL will help visitors navigate your site more easily while increasing its overall user friendliness.

Why URL structure matters in SEO

Your URL structure is important for SEO, brand building and user experience.
Here's why:
  • Search engines use URLs to rank your website in search results pages. Each page on your website is given a unique URL that tells Google (and other search engines) exactly what page you're talking about so they can crawl it and index it properly. This helps make sure that users end up on the right page when they click on search result links in SERPs, so they don't get frustrated with irrelevant results or links leading them nowhere.

  • Humans are drawn to clickable words in titles more than any other element of content because it makes them feel like they're getting straight answers from an authority figure (in this case—you). Without an enticing title that makes users

Monday, September 19, 2022

Keywords in SEO

A word on keywords: They're a big part of SEO, but they're not everything. The key is to find the right balance between targeting long-tail keywords and using them in your content so that it doesn't get too repetitive or boring.

How important are keywords in SEO?

Keywords are an important part of SEO. They help search engines understand what your page is about and they help users find your page.

Keywords should be included in the title, content, and URL of your page.

Do I need a long-tail keyword?

No. A long-tail keyword is not necessarily better than a short-tail keyword. In fact, sometimes you'll find that some of the most popular keywords are very long-tail.
For example: I was looking for "how to fade underarm hair"

Sunday, September 11, 2022

SEO: Setting up Google Search Console

The Google Search Console is a tool that helps you manage your site’s visibility in search results. We use the tool to help optimize our content for search, but it also has other important features: an analytics dashboard, a site review tool and more. In this post we'll walk through how to add your website to Search Console using different methods so you can get started analyzing your traffic data!

Google Search Console
                                            Image is copyright from motivation.arica

Option 1: Verifying with your DNS provider

If you're one of the lucky people who have access to your DNS provider's account, you can verify ownership of your site by using their web interface. Here's how:

  • Log in to your DNS provider's web portal (e.g., [1] for Not-A-Fancy Hosting).
  • Click on "Account Settings" under the "My Account" dropdown menu and then select “Verify Ownership” from there (it'll be under “Manage Domains” if it isn't already).
  • Follow their instructions for setting up a test domain or subdomain so Google can see it exists; this step may vary depending on which DNS provider you use, but they should all be available online somewhere if they're not accessible directly through their

Friday, September 9, 2022

SEO: Metrics and KPI in SEO

SEO is an important part of any internet marketing strategy. However, it's not enough to simply put your site on the first page of Google and hope for the best. You need to know what you're doing if you want to improve your search traffic and revenue.

In this post, we'll explain how you can measure and track metrics in SEO (keyword, average position, click-through rate) so that you can make sure your efforts are paying off over time. Finally, we'll discuss some best practices when setting up tracking systems as well as what they mean for your bottom line!

Metrics and KPI in SEO
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SEO Metrics

There are many metrics you can use to measure your SEO performance. For example, you can track your keyword ranking and average position in Google's search engine results pages (SERPs).

Keyword: Keywords are the words or phrases that searchers enter into the search engine box when they're looking for information about a particular topic. The more keywords you have at the top of your page, the better it looks when someone searches on Google for something related to those keywords.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

SEO: Let's go Technical in SEO

If you’re reading this, it’s likely that you’re a technical person. That means that you know a lot about computers and the internet, which is an essential part of SEO. But what is Technical SEO? In this article, we'll explain how writing good content can help your website rank better in Google and what technical elements are important for improving your site's ranking potential on search engines like Bing or Yahoo.

Technical SEO
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How is Technical SEO different from Content and Off-Page SEO?

Technical SEO is a subset of search engine optimization and refers to the technical aspects of your website. It covers things like making sure your site can be crawled by search engines, that it loads quickly and that it’s secure.

In contrast, Content and Off-Page SEO refers to how you present information on your site. This includes things like writing good articles or creating engaging videos (which are critical components for any successful content strategy). You can think of this as “on-page” content creation while Technical SEO deals with what happens behind the scenes – how well do you optimize these pages for spiders?

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

SEO: Things to consider in On-Page SEO

To get more traffic, you need to optimize your site and content. Doing so will increase the chances of people finding your page and clicking on it. The best way to do this is through on-page SEO, which refers to all of the ways you can optimize individual pages within a website.

HTML Tags ins SEO

Optimize your SEO title.

The key to a good title is using your keyword in the first few words. Avoid overusing keywords and keep it short, but if you’re going for long-tail keywords then more power to you.

SEO : Ranking in Search Engines

Search engine optimization (SEO)

is the optimization of your website so that it ranks higher in search results.

SEO - search engine optimization

Here are some of the factors and most important ones in SEO:


Make sure you're using keywords that people are actually searching for in your content. If you're writing about something that's specific to your niche and relevant to your target readers, your chances of ranking up will be much higher than if you just throw a bunch of random words together. (read more about: Keywords in SEO)