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Interlinks in SEO

Interlinks in SEO


The link is one of the most important elements for SEO. Not only does it help search engines to understand better what your website is about and how to rank it, but also it helps users navigate through your site.

Interlinks in SEO – what you should know?

Interlinks are the links that appear on one page of your website, leading to other pages on the same website.

These are also called “internal links”. They can be either text or image-based and they help users find their way around a particular website.

For example, if you have a blog on your website, you can link your articles together with internal links so that readers can easily navigate through all of them at once.

An external link is a hyperlink (that is, a clickable link) that leads a user from one site to another site altogether -- for example: when you click on an external link in Google search results and it takes you to another website where there's information about something related to what was searched for originally but not directly associated with it as such

Why you should use interlinks?

You should use interlinks because they help you rank higher on Google and other search engines, make more money, get more traffic and ultimately create better SEO.

The more links you have the higher you will rank. More links means more traffic which means more people reading your content. This will lead to better SEO as well as making you more money!

How many times to use the link on one page?

You should use a link to point to a different page once per page. This means that you could have one link on the homepage, three links in the navigation bar, and five links within the body copy of your content.

On each individual page, make sure to use a different anchor text for each link. For example, if you have an article about dog training with four internal links pointing to other articles on this site about dogs as well as two external links (one for Wikipedia and one for YouTube), then create six unique anchor texts:

  • Dog Training - [dog training]
  • Dog Training - [click here]
  • Dog Training - [more info]
  • Dog Training - [the next step]
  • Dog Training - [video series]

Where to put your interlinks?

For example, if you're writing a blog post on the topic of SEO and want to direct users to another relevant article you've written, you could use interlinks.

>By using interlinks, you can guide users who are new to your site or who may not be aware of all of your content. This is especially helpful for sites with a lot of content (like Wikipedia) because it helps users navigate through the site more easily and find whatever information they're looking for.

The best practices for creating internal links

  • The most appropriate anchor text for each link
  • Use your keywords in the link text
  • Use your brand name and other brand mentions in the anchor text
  • A consistent style for your internal links, such as all lowercase or all capitalized. This consistency helps users recognize that the link is part of a website's content and not just another page on the internet.

Descriptive anchor text is also important because it helps search engines understand what each page is about better—and therefore how relevant it is to their search query.

Remember that your users can’t see the links and optimize around what will help them.

Internally, links are a way to show that there is internal structure to your site. Users can’t see these links and they rely on the structure of your site to help them navigate it.

Search engines use links as a way to understand what your site is about and how you want people to navigate through it.


We hope that this article has helped you understand the basics of interlinks and how they can be used to improve your website’s SEO. As with any other tactic, there are endless ways for you to implement these links, but we think these examples will get you started on the right path. Remember that your users can’t see the links and optimize around what will help them find what they need quickly and easily.

go back to SEO: Ranking in Search Engines

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