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Thursday, October 6, 2022

Images in SEO

The Internet lives and dies by pictures.

  • Images are one of the most important parts of a website.
  • The Internet lives and dies by pictures.
  • Image search is Google's Future.
  • Images rank higher than text in SERPs, and they convert better too!

Tell a story with your photos.

You have a story to tell and the images you use are a big part of telling that story. Images are a great way to illustrate your point or create an emotional connection with readers. Use relevant, high-quality images that people want in their search results.

When adding an image to your article, make sure:

  • It's relevant and useful for the content it accompanies. If it's not, users will think it's spammy—and they'll be right!
  • You've considered the intended size and format of the image based on where you're going to use it (website header? Twitter profile picture?).
  • There's no copyright issues with posting said image (you do know how copyright works by now right?).

Use searchable captions and descriptions.

Use searchable captions and descriptions. Search engines can't always decipher an image's meaning, but you can help them out by providing captions that describe the content of your images and descriptions that explain their relevance to the page. Use keywords in both of these fields, because they'll be used by Google Image Search and other image-specific search engines (such as Pinterest).

Engage readers through image-based call-to-actions (CTAs).

Now that you have an understanding of the SEO benefits images, it's time to get specific about how you can use them on your site.

CTAs are a great way to get readers ready to take action and drive traffic back to your site or social media channels. If you write articles that are long-form and content-rich, you may want to consider adding image-based CTAs at the end of each piece. This will entice users who have just finished reading something valuable on your website or blog. You can also place these types of CTAs within posts in order to drive people toward subscribing via email list or sharing it across their various networks if they enjoyed what they read!

Leveraging images for SEO means paying attention to the brand they present, and not just the keywords they can attract

When it comes to SEO, you may be accustomed to thinking about images as nothing more than a means to attract more traffic. But optimizing your images for SEO also means considering the brand they present, and not just the keywords they can attract.


Once you've invested in getting your images SEO-ready, the payoff is huge. It's all about building a narrative around products, services or topics that can be understood by search engines and human readers alike. The key difference between using text or images for this purpose? Images have a way of grabbing our attention—and keeping it. This means that even if someone finds an image through Google Image Search or Pinterest, they'll probably spend more time looking at it than they would have otherwise spent reading about it on another site before clicking back to their search results page where they started looking up information related to what they were originally searching for in the first place

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