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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hostage Crisis in the Philippines Aug. 23, 2010

Unfortunately, i have seen it on the news... what else can I say; the police were totally pathetic, like totally useless. How could've they acted in such a lousy way... like seriously, it was like watching a comedy series. It was really sad and shameless at how it all played out.... I guess as filipinos, we are just really doomed siguro, that is our fate... No need to complain, no need to waste time worrying about pretty much anything else... When you are doomed, you don't really need to worry about anything else, cause the outcome is all the same...

I really felt sad for those tourists whose only purpose was to have a nice time, look at how we treated them. There was this whole family ata, the husband died of protecting his wife from taking the gunshots, heroic but could have been avoided if the police just did their part. Ahhh... what more can I say... I wonder at how the police can still boast when all they can offer us are their blunder; corruption, torture, all sorts of evil things. Lesson here; you can't really trust the authority... you can't really trust anybody for that matter. You give people some small power, and all they will do is to corrupt it. That's the price for freedom I guess, you can choose to be GOOD or you can choose to be EVIL; sadly, people always tend to choose the easy road, and the easy road is at most times always EVIL. Cest la vie.

All these things lead to the same old problem; poverty. They showed this news about that guy who did the crime... turned out he was one of the GOOD cops; aha...ironical but true. He was a victim of the bad politics in our country... oh well. and here i am dreaming that somehow, someday there would be some hope pa rin sa tin.... I was surprised that before he was terminated, he was only earning a measly 20k He was even earning less than .5k during the 80s, when he started. Wtf is that... I guess you can't blame the police for doing bad things eh... nope, absolutely not. There's no justification to doing bad... although at some point, you need to understand where it's all coming from. Even people from rich countries apparently do evil things for money and power, it is how it is... just need to accept that fact about our human condition. At the end of the day, all you can really trust is yourself, your own experiences.

Oh well... let us still remain hopeful, even when hope might be the last thing that is available.

What drives human to be Materialistic?

To answer that question about what drives people to be so materialistic, pride and greed. It has everything to do with the fact that this world will never be unfair, some are destined to be rich, others to rot in the ground... that's the basic rule of CAPITALISM; if you are not strong enough to fight for yourself or to be some kind of businessman, then you are out of the game, you are stuck to the ground. It explains din why there are so many people suffering, like having nothin on the table to eat while the WORLD'S RICHEST according to the latest Forbes list are probably sitting next door, enjoying their life accomplishments.

Everyone knows that there is a problem, that poverty is a problem, yet we have failed to realize the ROOT of the problem, that there is some solution for it, that it must be solved. The more you dig deep to this chaos, the more you realize that it is all interconnected, that the society is one big mess that somehow still functions as it ever was, not as it should be, but it does so to protect the interest of the rich few.

APATHY is the other major problem. It's like if the people have gotten so used to feeling like shit, then there is probably some good chance that they would eventually forget how to live, especially if they have never gotten the chance how it would be like to have a decent life.

There, that is what needs to be solved; to shake the people real hard... that they eventually have the final say; I'd say a real revolution, who knows. The key is to provide them some VISION, a realization that the world is moving fast, the world is evolving, and to be left behind with barbaric situation and barbaric ideals is suicide.

Now the world is in recession, everyone is like in some lost state, everyone is finding the right path. I wonder if the policy makers sa tin are ever considering that fact, that somehow we are still very much part of the game, that we need to find that right path ourselves, in order to make it out alive. I think now, more than ever is the best time to find what it is that we really want with our lives as FILIPINOS, what it is really to feel like a filipino, to make our real definition of what a filipino is, not how the world sees us as we roam through different places, being treated as slaves.

There could never be more self humiliating way than to be treated as a slave, than to think of yourself as a mere slave. I wonder how we have ended up only dreaming to be slaves abroad, for the sake of having better things? better lives? but what is a better life ba talaga di ba? Oh, if you could only see what it is like here, there are just too many filipinos here!!! It is never like I hate to see em here, or I might hate to see em here... yun parang... what the f*** are you doing here people, then I am one too! What the hell am i doin here? Why are we wasting our lives building someone else's castle when our own existence back home is totally collapsing. That's the basic rule of CAPITALISM, the rich will eat the poor alive! The rich will suck everyone's energy until they beg for mercy.

It is very funny at how the rich can totally pride themselves, with all their luxurious lives, in a city of SLUMS right. Is it ever enough to be happy all by yourself, can you ever be happy in a world of miseries? I really don't know. I wish there was someone who would dream of a first class world sa tin, who would give everyone some dreams to pursue. Hope, I wish I could throw a rock of hope, a rock of vision, I would throw it so high to the clouds, it would burst in all its beauty, casting hope to everyone on the ground. That should be the goal, to put everything on PAUSE, like oohhh, wait people, don't you think we should stop for a bit and figure out this life before we go deeper into a sh**ho**?? I still feel POPULATION is the first main issue; yet its roots are so deep, deep-seated in poverty... no dreams for people to pursue, no goals, so what is left is population growth. The church might be celebrating with PRO-CREATION, then i would say can we stop this pro-creation for a while and try to figure out our lives first? I don't know, that's just my ten cents, and I'd wish that government should really do something about it... it is all part of the problem; YOU can never sustain a BIG population with a very limited food supply or land area to build houses to. The more people, the more crimes, period! You can never have a full control of a bulging population.

Then it comes down to our morals as people. I am never saying saying that we should abondon our ideals, that we should legalize things like abortion, for that is an awfully indigestible thing to do. Yet it happens, babies are being dumped to the ground all the time, cause we allow it to happen. And you try to search for the root cause, and you only end up realizing that it is all about poverty too; and you end up on zero level again.

Oh well, I guess that it's just all too complicated to be dealt with one time, but it is good that we are discussing things like that. It is in an open minded society where solutions will be found. Answers are to those who asked alone! If you live your whole life in the shadows of other people lang, trying to save yourself by going abroad to escape it all, I'd think we may just deserve to be doomed then. It's never admitting admitting the fact that going abroad is a bad thing, of course it is a good thing din naman, you are able to help yourself, your family back home, your society by not being an additional burden... stuff like that. My only question siguro is the long term effect, when you are no longer needed abroad, where would you go?
back home... yet back home is no place to live cause it's rotten and full of shit! Did you ever try to change that though... NOPE... instead you chose to run away.

If you are going to see it on an individual case, i think it wouldn't make sense, a person can never be enough to possibly change the world, no sir. Yet, on the grand scale, these whole set of OFWs choosing the better life abroad chose to run away... and if you sum them up, there would be millions of them... certainly millions would make a difference, if we ever chose to make a difference!

Until the time comes siguro that we have some real sense of direction back home will we make the change. For now, we have to rest in the uncertain...

Friday, August 6, 2010

RVHOST.EXE is missing error

This means that RVHost has been infected or is a virus that has been detected already by your anti virus and removed. So to remove the Error message follow you have to edit your registry, just this steps:
Start>Run>Type regedit then
Look for  this:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
then on right pane look for "Shell"
Its entry should be "Explorer.exe" only
If it’s has extra like “RVHOST.exe” remove it.
Double click the “Shell” then edit.
Then close and restart your PC.
And your Done!!